a How-to Guide:
This resource guide includes information on:
- Funding sources
- Renting and borrowing equipment
- Booking spaces
- Food and catering
- SSMU contacts to know
- Outreach (postering, printing, tabling, listservs)
- Recruiting and retaining new members
- Structuring a group
- Facilitating meetings
- Longevity (care, accessibility, security, turnover, archiving)
- Access to Information (ATI) Requests
- Inspiration for protest and action
- Community organizations to know (on and around McGill campus)
You can access and share the most updated version of this document at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17iri-nN-RzAq4yk5MgsZoXykKnzGgC1s/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117169974090624331843&rtpof=true&sd=true
This guide is intended to be a public resource! Please circulate it widely and feel free to link it within your own resources.