The Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at McGill is a non-profit, student-run organization that conducts research, education, and action on environmental and social justice issues at McGill University and in the Montreal community. With such a broad mandate, QPIRG brings together a wide range of activists interested in many different issues.
QPIRG and SSMU External Affairs collaborate throughout the year on Culture shock, an event series that takes place in the Fall, and Social Justice Days programming. The Popular Education Events Coordinator (poped.events@ssmu.ca) helps plan and run these popular education events and ensures that both reflect their anti-racist and anti-oppressive mandates.
The Culture Shock programming can be found here!
Check out all the other amazing work QPIRG does here!
The VP External acts as the main point of contact between the SSMU and other student and labour unions at McGill, and therefore is a part of a larger dialogue around solidarity on campus.
Get to know and support your campus unions!
- MUNACA: Clerical, laboratory and IT technician, support staff and library assistants
- AMUSE: Floor fellows and non-academic casuals
- AMURE: Post doctoral fellows, research associates and assistants
- AGSEM: Invigilators, Teaching Assistants
- SEU: Computing Centre, Facilities Management, Residences, Faculty Club, Powerhouse downtown, Printing Services, Trades downtown, Trades and Powerhouse Macdonald Campus.
- MCLIU: Course Lecturers and Instructors.
…and associations!
- MUNASA: McGill University Non-Academic Staff
- MAUT MAUT: McGill Association of University Teachers (professors).
SSMU employees are also unionized!
The SSMUnion (CUPE Local 5447) is the labour union composed of part-time, casual, service and some full-time staff employees of the Student’s Society of McGill University (SSMU). Receiving accreditation in January 2020, this group works together to improve the quality of work at the Students’ Society by talking to each other and negotiating collectively with the executives. The SSMUnion is a way of working with and protecting each other in ways that would not be possible working alone. The SSMUnion was created for all the needs of employees. Indeed, recurring grievances with the SSMU, including pay inequity, harassment from management, precarious contracts, working over allotted hours, and numerous other chronic workplace issues. The SSMUnion fights for rights and dignity of all SSMU employees by holding the Society accountable to the working conditions of its employees.
The SSMUnion has been in collective bargaining since February 2020 and still is today.
To find out more, join the union or help in organizing, you can reach the SSMUnion through Facebook or via email at local@ssmunion.ca.
More Info About the Labour Movement on Campus
- https://www.mcgilldaily.com/2011/12/munaca-strike-ends/
- https://www.mcgilldaily.com/2017/11/mcgill-community-protests-former-principals-honorary-award/
- https://www.delitfrancais.com/2017/03/21/les-beaux-jours-du-militantisme/
- https://www.mcgilldaily.com/2016/10/47871/
- http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/strike-by-mcgill-support-workers-delays-edward-snowden-talk-1.3143621
- https://www.mcgilldaily.com/2012/11/whos-afraid-of-a-faculty-union/
- http://www.mcgilltribune.com/opinion/fair-labour-at-ssmu-must-include-employees-not-just-councillors-03182021/
- http://www.mcgilltribune.com/this-aint-no-way-to-make-a-living/?fbclid=IwAR1cPG6sHxlliz05WcVKwy69dFMvxgiwqEfAhr09NB__tfIcqNzEFTgrjAw
Community Groups and Organizations
- Le Québec, c’est nous aussi
- Immigrant Workers Centre
- CKUT 90.3FM
- Pas de solution policière pour la crise sanitaire
- Students for Consent Culture Canada
- Defund the Police Coalition
- Racial Justice Collective
- Association québécoise pour l’équité et l’inclusion au postsecondaire
- Debout pour la dignité