The SSMU Popular Education Events Coordinator works with QPIRG-McGill to organize events promoting critical political education while providing students with avenues to get involved in their communities. SSMU and QPIRG McGill organize three annual event series:
- Rad Frosh: A three-day long alternative orientation introducing incoming students to the activist community at McGill and in Tiohtià:ke/Mooniyang (Montreal). Through workshops, social events, film screenings, and radical guided tours, students learn about relevant social issues and discover activist and community groups on campus and in the city.
- Culture Shock: Annual event series taking place in the fall semester that centres anti-racism, migrant justice, and Indigenous solidarity. Panels, workshops, film screenings, performances, and fundraisers allow racialized community members to discuss issues relevant to their lives while those outside of these communities can learn more about these issues.
- Spring Into Action: Annual event series taking place in the winter semester that intends to stimulate an alternative political culture at McGill by offering opportunities to learn about local and global issues while inspiring students to get involved in their communities.
If you’re interested in helping to organize these events, email poped.events@ssmu.ca or info@qpirgmcgill.org to join the Popular Education Committee!