Community Solidarity Fund
The Community Solidarity Fund was created as a more accessible way for groups in so-called Montreal and beyond to access funding for grassroots, social-justice oriented initiatives. Most other SSMU funds require applicants to have an organizational bank account to receive funds, or are closed to external groups and projects. This poses a barrier to individuals or groups doing social justice work in line with SSMU’s policies and positions. This project also inspired by an existing fund at Concordia known as the Community Action Fund.
The funding is collected from the ~24,000 McGill undergraduate students that the SSMU represents. Each SSMU member contributes $1.00 per semester to this fund as part of their union dues paid to the Society.
Approved applications should be in line with the SSMU’s mission and values, as outlined in the SSMU Indigenous Solidarity Policy, the Climate Justice Policy, the Accessible Education and Academics Policy, the Divest for Human Rights Policy, the Policy Against Harmful Military Technology, the Trans Advocacy Plan, and the Positions Book. Please note that groups that may not have access to traditional funding opportunities are prioritized.
Steps to receiving funding from the CSF:
- Fill out the application form. Please provide as much detail as possible. Feel free to contact us at external@ssmu.ca if necessary.
- The Solidarity Funding Committee (SFC) meets and reviews the applications, deciding if an application should be accepted or rejected, and how much funding should be allocated to each applicant.
- The Chair of the SFC will contact applicants regarding their approval or rejection. Rejections will provide justification as to why the application is being rejected. Approved applications will include next steps to receive funding, and explain the different methods through which SSMU can disburse funds, as well as the impact report form.
- SSMU sends the applicant ⅔ of approved funding, the rest contingent on submission of an impact report.
- The Solidarity Funding Committee will review the submitted impact report and provide the remaining ⅓ to the applicant should the report be accepted.
How does SSMU disburse funds?
We are able to provide funding through the following methods:
- Making a donation to a public donations page (e.g. GoFundMe, Fundrazr, Zeffy, etc)
- Direct deposit to a bank account.
In either case, we will contact the applicant to confirm the details of the disbursement.
What has the csf been used for?
- Popular education event series such as QPIRG-McGill’s Culture Shock and Spring Into Action, Defund La Police Festival, and SADAC’s Dalit History Month programming
- Financial support for the Gardiens du Territoire Nehirowisiw Aski protecting their land from exploitative logging
- Providing honorariums for participants in surveys on gender-affirming surgeries administered by the Trans Patient Union
- Hosting an event honouring Mahsa Amini on the 2nd anniversary of her death
- Covering legal fees for community members facing lawsuits or charges for their activism